Monday, December 13, 2010

Laughing at what life brings you

to be honest I am only going to chat briefly as its late and I do need to get to bed so I can get up and go on a 2 mile run, yes in the freezing cold I am attempting this. Anyway, I have been having a very interesting relationship with a man hundreds of miles away yet he feels close, maybe to close, LOL. Okay I was introduced to this man to get his advice about teaching at a southern university, though he actually is in an eastern area school, Indiana University. We started off speaking professionally but it quickly went to another realm of reality. We have a few things in common but we are beginning our little friendship off kinda tumultuously. We seem to not understand each others humor or sarcasm. He is a brotha from LA working on his Ph.D, a fraternity guy and college professor. To sum him up, cockey egotistical SOB going thru a divorce. Now you'd think someone who is going through a divorce might, well rethink his approach to women and come a little less arrogantly, but no this brotha is confident he is grand enough to make any woman swoon. He hadn't met me until now and he has found that I am not easily impressed. We have had verbal and text disagreements, I just can't get on his side and he can't seem to get on mine, yet he really wants to be, wants to try hard....yeah right. In 8 days of just texting and two verbal conversations I made up my mind that he is not the one. Reminded me of an old boyfriend that took me 4 years to get rid of and I ended up getting very screwed in that old relationship. Its like listen to the gut, listen to what you know to be true and move on, its okay, someone else is on his way. I do say I like that he was educated and at times funny, and it appears he is capable of living outside of LA, however, the constant trying to defend myself or explain myself and him having to do the same for me as well as his want to have text sex or phone sex (LOL, you read right) became annoying and he began to aggravate me and I know I did him. Its funny that he wanted me to keep giving it time, he is so sure that in time we will get past all this cause we are getting to know each other and it does happen that some relationships that start off tumultuous end up the most loving. I am not so sure I am willing to place my bet on that one, been there tried that didn't work!

Other than that interesting bit of life, its cold as hell in Oxford. My feet and hands itch due to the darn heat and cold mix. I have to get used to this winter weather again, don't have my NYC toughness but I have been going out in it and doing work outs as you read above. I tell ya I am on a mission cause I am sick of whining and crying and feeling ugly, to lose weight. I have seen pictures of myself this holiday season and I am appalled at how fat I look, disgusted! and I am tired tired tired of talking about it, plus I am about the teach some college kids I want to look appealing at least. Help! Okay so we have had a little cat adopt us here on the ranch it stays in the hay stacks and dad has taken to feeding it. Its cute fluffy and I do feed it as well, only thing is I am pretty sure she belongs to someone else and I sure wouldn't want to take someone else baby. I am thinking about getting a Pomeranian and a kitten to raise up :-) we shall see. I still want an Australian Sheep dog, very ranch dog. But more animals require more responsibility and time to care for them so i am not sure I am ready to commit to it.

Well I need to hit the sack, was up till 4am with that nutty professor keeping me on the phone trying to get me to talk dirty to him, he'll say he wasn't but I know the truth and so does he!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Fall is here In Oxford

Now its a damn shame I haven't written in, but I have kind of an excuse. I did a play with Hattiloo Theatre, that was fun, stressful, challenging, and unfortunately not as well received as we wanted it to be. I studied to take the Life Insurance exam in Mississippi, I failed missed by 3 points, bummer. And now for the fun exciting good news: I will be teaching this coming spring, 2011 at the University of Mississippi that is Ole Miss to most, and I will be shooting an independent film in May. What will I be teaching you might ask, well Theatre Appreciation and Audition Technique. One class will have up to 400 students, Uh yeah I mean I am a force but uhhhhh we will see how much of one I really am with this class, the other is 12-16 theatre majors, so you know they are fun, emotional and willing to work. I have to say I am very excited about teaching seems that I am following in my parents foot steps. I think my Mommy is looking down at me now saying "Fool I kept trying to get you to go into teaching, but I am glad you finally saw the light" :-) Daddy seems to be proud, telling a couple people about it, his feathers are puffed up :-) He gives me great advice about the academic world and how to maneuver in it. I am looking for a theatre professor mentor who could really give me some guidance on academia and being an artist.

Okay what else has happened on the ranch, oh our yearling filly sliced the front part of her tongue off a couple weeks back. I was going to feed her and the 3 year old and saw something that I thought was a leaf hanging from her mouth but when I tried to get it I noticed it didn't just fall off like it would from her moving, so I looked again and then I saw her tongue hanging out her mouth. Called dad over and he was like OH SHIT, what the hell, how did she do that?! so we separated her and the 3 year old called the doc and he came in the morning. Funny thing was she wasn't in any pain just wanted to eat. I went out to check on her that night to see if she was okay, and low and behold the hanging tongue came off and was in the dirt, I called dad told him to bring me a plastic bag, you know to save the tongue incase the doc wanted to sow it back on, and picked up the piece of meat. It was the front tip of her tongue. So the Doc came said she would be fine and would just have an odd shaped tongue, gave her a shot and that was that. Oh the things animals do. We aren't sure how she sliced it but probably on a piece of metal on her feeder licking it got it caught and pulled hard to get it out and slice! Did you read that I picked up the tongue and put it in the plastic I becoming a ranch girl or what :-)! Then last weekend the 3 year old filly got a bit of colic, now let me tell you a little about colic, if a horse gets this they will roll, meaning lay on the ground and roll because they are trying to relieve the pain in their belly. When they roll it twist their intestines and that is not good at all, once the intestines are twisted and if they are bad the horse will die. So daddy saw Cody (the 3 year old) laying down when he went to feed her and her partner the yearling filly (High), she didn't get up to come eat and that is a sign something ain't right. So he comes in racing to call the vet and tells me the 3 year old is down. I had just gotten in from a 2 mile run didn't notice my girls not acknowledging me in the morning, usually I see everyone when I head out, so I quickly got dressed and went out to see what was up. We got her on the lead rope and walked her so she wouldn't lay down, vet came gave her a pain relieving shot said her bowels were moving and that is good that she probably had a mild case of colic we just had to watch her. We stayed out with her from 8am til 2pm, I walked her a lot and talked to her, we gave her some mineral oil, to help her go boom boom, she did once for me so what was good but her belly seemed to still hurt she wanted to lay down, again we didn't want her to do that, I called the vet again at 12p after dad and I gave her a 2nd pain shot he said see how she does and if in an hour she is still looking sad call him he would come out. Well in just past an hour she seemed to be getting a little better but the vet arrived anyway (way to go vet came without the call, he knows how important our animals are to us) The vet gave her some mineral oil thru a tub that went up her nose, never had seen that before but its much better than fighting them trying to get it down their throat through their mouth, that can be hazardous. Finally let her go and she went to have water which is a great sign and she didn't try to lay down which is and even better sign. I did post on my facebook page pictures of her and the yearling laying down next to each other, that was the colic day. Cody is doing much better now, eating and drinking water, sometimes it takes a week for them to get back to normal so each day she is getting back to her old self. I had my dad give me the vet book on horses and I read a bit of it that day, it was interesting. I thought to myself hell I should have become a vet, but the thing is I love animals so much it would hurt me to see them when they are not at their best I don't know how I'd handle it.

Well that is all the excitement that has taken place in the past few months. I am still single, slowly losing weight, Oh i did a 5 day juice fast fantastic, thinking of becoming a vegan, slowly making the transition, (creating a garden have the location mapped out and have begun two compost barrels) and jogging 2 miles a day about to up it to 2 1/2. My plan is to lose at least 10 lbs before I begin teaching this spring so I can wear what is in my closet, and by next September be down to 125lbs, got a ways to go but I am not 192lbs down from 200lbs so I figure I am on my way :-) I'll of course keep yall posted, and at some point I'll put up pictures, you guys I am sure would want to see pictures of our ranch and the horses and all the changes taking place right?!

Until next time -
Peace and blessing,